Sunday, December 27, 2009

Home for the Holidays, Day 5

For the last year or so, when I come to my parents' house, I've noticed there's a bottle of hair gel in the shower. Why??? My dad wears a buzz cut, and Mom isn't into styling products...
So tonight, Mom cast a light on this mystery: Dad went shopping at Liquidation World, and bought hair gel instead of shower gel. A-ha!
Dad explained: "It doesn't lather very good, but it washes ok."

I guess he bought a case, as every time a bottle of hair/shower gel is empty, it's replaced by a full one.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas 2009

Here are a few pics from Christmas this year.
my brother, Alan, and my dad

Dad with our old family friend, Tony
Mom and my brother, Al
me n Al
Mom and I spent a lot of time skiing with the dogs

me n Kenz at the Christmas tree on the trail

Mom and I went for a dawn ski one 10:40 AM!

Al, when we walked the dogs at -25 C

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Home for the Holidays, Day 1

omg, my parents are getting old. Today, Dad got out of his twice-weekly shower and said he'd forgotten to take his socks off. Mom thought that was good, but that it was too bad he didn't leave his underwear on too. I hope she was kidding.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Kenny's Christmas Present

This is what I got Cousin Kenny for Christmas. I moved his recliner out of the living room, and put this throne in place. Notice the handy reading materials?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My Birthday!

This year, my birthday took 3 days to celebrate.
On Sunday, I did 3 hours of yoga, then went for a looooooong lunch with the girls.

Almost right after the longest lunch ever, I went for dinner at Caryn's with the Other Girls. Thanks for hosting, Caryn!!!
Sue, Carol, Caryn and me.

Sue's delicious cheese appie!

wolves came and ate it all :(

Carol and Sunshine Susie

On Monday, my actual birthday, I wanted to ski but it was -23 C :(

So I waited till it warmed up to -16, and went for an easy run by the river with Mackenzie. :)

Then I headed to Revelstoke with Troy, met Lisa, and celebrated FULLY!! There was even dancing for Ullr late, late at night. We were rewarded with a powder day on Tuesday. YAY! 8 inches was fantastic, and it warmed up to -11 C.

me, Troy and Lisa: masters of our terrain!

me n Lisa, after a successful morning of thrashing the mountain

In 2008 I bottled it, so it's been contained through 2009 and hopefully into 2010!

Thanks to everyone who played along with my extended party!

Monday, December 7, 2009

More Trapeze Pics

Here are some better pics from the trapeze class. Many thanks to Katrina and Bo for the pics. And to Bo, Sammy, Deany and Kat for making me go.

I spelled my name TERROR....

absolutely LMAO!!

the sound track here was a Tarzan Yell

right after this I got my hands back on the bar, then did a back flip dismount. No kidding.

do you SEE how close I was to making the catch??????
And how HIGH up I was?!?

as terrifying as this was, it was SUPER fun!
In case you want to try trapeze for yourself, go to this site. Their tag line is: "Forget fear. Worry about the addiction." Too true.


check out this ad

hmmmmm? really? "The Subaru GL Coupe. Like a spirited woman who yearns to be tamed." Really.......

Thursday, December 3, 2009

New Reality TV show

Last night was the first installment of Bo's new fantasy/reality TV show: Let's Trade Lives

I had 3 kids: Sammy, age 15; Kat, age 13; and Deany, age 8. Cute kids, huh?
I dressed as a Yummy Mummy
I drove a mini-van with license plate [love] MNYKIDS (As this was the first episode, I only had the 3 little kids, not the entire brood of 7!)

I received much abuse and ridicule from my teenage daughters over my Mom Purse, which I had previously thought was cool and hip.
I took my kids out for burgers and fries at UCLA.

Meanwhile, Bo lived my life: she stayed home alone, played on the computer and drank wine.

Doesn't she look fabulous?!?!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Leap of Faith

Today I went to trapeze school.
Seriously, as in, flying through the air with the greatest of ease.
It was at the Santa Monica pier. It was bloody terrifying hanging onto that bar and leaning way out into space. I need to re-emphasise that - OMG, I HAD TO STAND ON A PLATFORM WAY UP THERE, AND LEAN OUT INTO SPACE AND GRAB THE BAR. AND LET GO.....
But it was AMAZING swinging by my knees and doing back flips onto the net.

I did a lot of screaming and laughing and my legs nearly shook right off. I could barely stand when I got back on safe ground.
Oh, and by the way, I have HUGE issues with height. Climbing up to the platform was really really hard. Jumping off was ..........WOW.

this is pretty much exactly how I saw Dean....squiggly
Sammy making it look easy

Katrina getting ready

This is a vid of my first catch attempt. So close....and yet so far.