Saturday, May 24, 2008

Where in The World is Tara?

Many have thought I should wear a GPS collar, but it's big, ugly and chafes my neck, so I've done the next best thing:

I've worked with my superstar web designer Tanya, to create a corporate website for my wee consulting firm, Taramatarra International Consulting Services. She made a page that has my location and local time on it, plus an estimate as to how long it would take me to answer an email.
Please save the link, and click whenever you are wondering "Jeez, where is Tara now?"

And if you want to be extra-groovy, have a look round the site, and tell me what you think. Yes, I do know it's gorgeous (that was in the initial bid offer from Tanya), but do you have any comments about content? Do any links not work? Typos? Strange things? What does it show my business does? How could it be improved? And do reply back and tell me it's beautiful, or anything else you liked.
Just follow the link on the contact me page, or send a note to: teleduc101 at gmail dot com.

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