Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Santa Catalina Monastery

Apologies to all Catholics, or anyone who might be offended by my flippant comments.
Yesterday, we visted the Santa Catalina Monastery. It was a fully cloistered nun facility for 400 years until part of it was opened to the public in the 1970s.
There were a surprising number of plants. Of course, the nuns are too busy to tend them themselves, so they have gardeners now.

Sorry to Catholics, but I don't understand the whole scary tortured Christ thing. Burned fingers? Yuck. I'd choose a softer, nicer religion myself.

This lime flower smlled INCREDIBLE. Did not know that lime trees have thorns - huh. And how do nuns use limes? Margaritas, perhaps?

One of the courtyards within the complex.
A note on the colours: the stone was originally all white, as is common in Arequipa. But, in the 1800s, a doctor told them to paint a bunch of walls, as the nuns were haivng eye problems. So they chose rust and sky blue.

a nun's bedroom. the bed is under an arch as protection during earthquakes. (Arches are structurally stronger than flat roofs.)

a well-used kitchen. Again food is protected by an arch.

an oven. Pizza, anyone?

the cooking area is made of sillar stone, from a nearby volcano.

rust walls, a window and geraniums. Maybe I could be a nun? hahahahhaha

me n Aunt Henri at the group laundry area.

translation, anyone??

condor fresco

close-up of the menu in the Nun's cafe. Who knew nuns were so funny?



Anonymous said...

Photos are awesome! The colours are striking...I can't imagine how wonderful they'd be in person. Thanks for posting.

MaryInKamloops said...

Thank you so much for posting the pictures! It's a very nice way to see how our Henriette is doing! Very good pictures you take too! (((((hugs))))) to you both!
Mary S.