Thursday, January 14, 2010

Skiing with the Norwegians

How cool is this? Last year, when Jen and I went to Jamaica, we met Ingwild, a super-cool chick from Norway. We have stayed in touch, and Ingwild came to Canada with her lovely workpal, Andreas, for some excellent skiing.
We all rocked out to Revelstoke for what they said was "The best snow they have ever skied. Ever!!" And it wasn't even a powder day.... I don't know quite how they woulda coped if we'd had one of our truly amazing 8 inches of champagne powder days.....aaaahhhhhhhh....

Ingwild's pack set the stage for 2 full days of skiing and laughing. What goes through a designer's mind, when putting French poodles with monster trucks, on a girl's pack??? Love that!

Jen, me, Andreas, Ingwild....about to scream some trees!
Juice, the Wild Thing and Coolio eating see food the Ripper Chair

highjinks in the gondie

one of my ALL TIME fave things is to shred hard with fabu ski chicks!!! Love these girls!

Juice and the Wild Thing

ride 'em, cowgirl!! Show those snow ghosts no mercy!

and who would ever forget Wally, handsome canine ski support?

Lisa Stromsmoe, resident PK superstar, joined us for Day 2, so that meant that we had 2 full-blooded Norwegians, and 2 half-Norwegian Canadians. and me. I LOVED hearing the true Norse folks teaching Lisa and Jen how to pronounce their names properly! HAHA!
Also very funny:  Canadian ski folk are ALWAYS talking about Ullr, the Norse God of Snow. We burn offerings to him, we dance for him, we pray to him for huge dumps of pow!!! Our 2 Norwegian skiers had never heard of him. Hmmmm. Ok. So he's a Canadian Rural Ski Legend?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the photo of Wally, I want one!