Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It's a Dog's Life

It's been insanely hot in Kamloops lately.... 35 C, then 37 C. At that temp, it gets to 29 or 30 C in my bedroom, so last night I dragged my mat, quilt and pillow outside to sleep on the deck.
Mackenzie was excited for the company at first, but then realised I was staying for a while, so he went to settle on his bed.
I always thought that when MacDog wakes me early inside the house, it's because he has to go out to pee. But this morning, he was already outside, but still came to see me at 6:30 AM....

First, he licked my head. I woke up, gave him a little pat, and told him it wasn't time to get up yet. After I closed my eyes, he punched me in the head with his giant foot! "ACK! Kenz, stop it!! Go back to sleep!!!"
It was as if his skull was transparent, as I could watch his brain working.... "Hmmm, that looks like a bed right there. I bet the puffiest part is the softest..... " And then he lay down on top of me. UGH.

I was tired, so wiggled out of the way a bit, so he was only lying on unimportant parts of me, and we both went back to sleep for an hour. I decided to get up, and had to slither out from under him.

No sooner was I up, than Kenz assessed the situation, and made himself even more comfortable on my pillow.

It's a dog's life.

get me a coffee, will ya?
so glad this bed isn't so lumpy anymore

Sunday, July 18, 2010

And now for Something Completely Different...

OK, so it's the day after I let my dog lick the table clean, and the swedesaw blade is still in the dishwasher. Since variety is the spice of life, I went to a Buddhist monastery outside Kamloops today.

It's 45 mins away from Kamloops, and a fascinating place. Ajahn Sona (Ajahn means teacher) greeted us, toured us through the main building, and answered plenty of questions. His history is that he has a Masters in Music from Toronto, and then "felt the calling" to become a monastic. The irony is that this is a discipline of intellectual introspection and meditation, where music and entertainment is not allowed...
The monastery is off-grid, and uses the newest green technologies. They do not even burn candles, but rather use the most efficient LED lights, powered by solar panels.

the main altar, with LED lights and Buddha from Thailand. The donor said she had it made with a big, "Western" nose so we'd feel better about our big noses!

The monastic life is pretty simple. They rise to meditate for an hour at 5:30 AM daily. Then breakfast, then free time to meditate or study or do walking meditation or think about meditation. Then it's lunch at 10:30 AM, which is the primary meal of the day. And the last meal of the day, as the monks are not allowed to eat after noon.
The afternoon is spent - you guessed it - meditating, until tea time. Everyone gathers in the meeting room, and Ajahn Sona takes questions. This was great, as of course I had MILLIONS of questions, although I tried hard to keep it down to about....10.

Ajahn Sona at tea time
After tea, there is a break of about an hour, then (ready for it??) the Evening Meditation session. We stayed for this, then drove home, exhausted. Trying to be an open vessel, letting thoughts drift past your consciousness, is really tiring.
The monks are not allowed to handle money, buy anything, make food, grow food or kill any living creature. So in other countries, monks will spend a good part of their morning receiving alms of food. Here, they rely on stewards and guests to shop, prepare meals and provide necessities. Something that surprised me is that they are not vegetarian. Since they are bound to receive food as gifts, there is no restriction that it must be vegetarian or vegan. In case you are wondering, they DO use toilet paper.

carving of a Buddha

What made Ajahn Sona most interesting to me was his background as a "Western Intellectual". He often compared Buddhist teachings to the Christian and Jewish faiths. (He said leaders of these faiths, as well as Benedictine Nuns, share discussions on many topics.) He spoke about technology and current events and seemed able to converse or expound on any topic. And his sense of humour and ease with all ages, especially kids, made it very relaxed.
Ajahn Sona at the front of the main meditation hall

Birken Forest Monastery is open to the public, and you can go to visit, or to stay, or to attend a retreat. Here's the link, in case you want to check it out.
There are many free resources available there, including hours and hours of dhamma talks on all sorts of topics. He said he's received comments that people may listen to them, and fall asleep. Haha, meant in the best possible way, of course!

detail of a carving in the monastery

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Just a Saturday Night at Home

Here's what I did tonight:

1.  MacDog and I went to the river, met lots of great people and dogs, and we both went swimming.
2.  BBQed a big wiener. YUM.
3.  cut up a couple frozen salmon

If you are really observant, you might be thinking...what do you use to cut up frozen salmon? Well, there are several options, but we used a SWEDE SAW on the picnic table on the back deck...and mostly held Mackenzie at bay while we did it.
Cousin Ken and I both wore cotton gloves so our fingers wouldn't freeze off. I held the fish on a board, while Ken worked the saw to make steaks. MacDog lay on his bed, not very patiently at all. Sawdust, oh of course I mean FISHdust, flew all over.
I bagged all the fish steaks and sent them back down to the freezer.
For clean up, I scraped up a lot of the fishdust off the clean cutting board and threw it in with the fishstock I'm boiling on the stove. (Heads, tails, bits and fishdust, plus onion, carrot, and dill.) I threw the swedesaw blade in the dishwasher. Yes, really.
And then........ we let Mackenzie have at it. Here are the pictures:
redneck vacuum cleaner

one satisfied golden retriever

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Guest Blogger!!!

oh, how exciting. My first "writing gig". OK, not a paid job, but nonetheless, I have been published somewhere other than where I published myself.

I was asked to guest post for Amanda, as she is off doing the Seattle RnR Marathon and cruising to Alaska.

So go check out the link:

yes, it is the same post as I published here, but it's at a different place!
Anyway, I'm excited about that.