1. MacDog and I went to the river, met lots of great people and dogs, and we both went swimming.
2. BBQed a big wiener. YUM.
3. cut up a couple frozen salmon
If you are really observant, you might be thinking...what do you use to cut up frozen salmon? Well, there are several options, but we used a SWEDE SAW on the picnic table on the back deck...and mostly held Mackenzie at bay while we did it.
Cousin Ken and I both wore cotton gloves so our fingers wouldn't freeze off. I held the fish on a board, while Ken worked the saw to make steaks. MacDog lay on his bed, not very patiently at all. Sawdust, oh of course I mean FISHdust, flew all over.
I bagged all the fish steaks and sent them back down to the freezer.For clean up, I scraped up a lot of the fishdust off the clean cutting board and threw it in with the fishstock I'm boiling on the stove. (Heads, tails, bits and fishdust, plus onion, carrot, and dill.) I threw the swedesaw blade in the dishwasher. Yes, really.
And then........ we let Mackenzie have at it. Here are the pictures:
redneck vacuum cleaner
one satisfied golden retriever
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