Monday, October 6, 2008

Running HIgh in Banff

As mentioned earlier, I travelled to Banff, Alberta for a 22km race - Melissa's! It was, without doubt, the toughest event I've done. I don't know really why - probably a combo of NO flat ground; very, VERY windy; potholes and cambered roads; high altitude; plus I hooked up with the folks from my runclub who are at my next time goal so pushed myself really hard for a long time. Really, I cannot compare the effort to do a training run, compared to a race. But with the incredible scenery, it was a terrific course!!!! In that sense, I cannot complain.

I was really disappointed that it took 2:30 for me to do 22 km - a long way slower than I thought I'd finish!!! However, Kerri was at the race as Kamloops Team Support (thanks!!), and told me she was surprised to see that at 2:20, no one from Kamloops had finished yet. She knew I was hoping for a PB, so she expected me by then. Turns out none of the Kamloops racers finished before 2:25. The reason this is significant to me is that last year, the people from my club that I was 10 or 15 minutes I'm only 5 mins behind. In fact, some people who were 15 mins ahead of me last year..... on Sat, I was only 3 mins behind!!!

Kerri said lots of people said the race was really, really hard. So by Tara Math, despite the actual time being slow, I have made an improvement relative to my peers of 5-10 mins. I feel pretty awesome about that!

But here's the most interesting part of the whole thing: at the 20 km mark, I suddenly had the sensation of being insanely STONED. Truly, I was giggly, excited, high energy, and definitely felt really really out-of-it. All while running fast UPHILL. Unfortunately it only lasted 500m, but it was one of the strangest sensations I have ever had. (And all the more weird as I'd been off alcohol for 6 full weeks, so there was NO outside influence.)

[Look what else I found out!! Gatorade should come in champagne flavour! Aaaahhh, my first alcohol in 6 weeks. :) ]

I know we've all heard of Runner's High.....But I always thought it was that nice sensation of just feeling less stressed, happy to be outside, rosy cheeks, fit body, so happy I reached my goal, nicy-nice, etc. etc. What I experienced was NOTHING like that. I was hurting - my lungs, my feet, my legs; my arms had been completely pins-and-needles numb for about 8 km; and I was filthy grouchy......and then suddenly it was like a Saturday night at university!! I failed to notice Cheech or Chong slipping me a bong, but that's how it felt! WHOOOO-HOOO!!!!
I did a little online research, and found a bit. Apparently, there is some science that it IS indeed a similar effect in the body to THC from marijuana....but it's hard to dig out.So I'm wondering what experiences are out there? Have you experienced anything like this? Know anyone who has? Know any stories about it? I'm really curious about this.

Hey, maybe that's Cheech in the bushes back there?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awesome race report! Have been wanting to do that one for ages! Where are you going to next?