Thursday, March 19, 2009

Canuck WOTW: skookum

As forewarned, I have not stuck to my ambitious schedule of One Word per Week...This was due to the perfect storm of excessive exercise, excessive alcohol AND excessive travel. ah well. This is a good one, so worth waiting for!

skookum (adj.) really, really good, or really, really strong

eg. The fried bologne and kraft dinner I had for dinner was skookum!*
eg. Everyone could agree Jenni was a pretty skookum old gal.* She won the flour packing competition at Rendezvous this year.

Usage Notes:
Especially good word for hip/cool engineers. eg. "Oh yah, skookum design! That should withstand a 200 year event! (Ed. Note: I love engineers and their huge brains, and will trade big intelligence for quirky social skills any day of the week. Bring on the flood pants and pocket protectors!)

This is a West Coast word, so don't try to employ it in the East. They will assume you are mumbling gibberish due to low blood sugar, so will administer Tim Horton's doughnuts immediately. Or Tim Bits, maybe? Those little doughnut holes are better anyway.

Keep yer stick on the ice,

Tara Canucklehead
* many thanks to Ambo in the Yukon for her excellent examples of things skookum

1 comment:

Al (the brother) said...

Skookum, I believe, is derived from Skookum Jim, who played a pivotal role in the 1898 Gold Rush by co discovering significant gold in the Yukon (at present day Dawson City) with his partner Tagish Charlie.