Monday, August 31, 2009

Peru, day 3

The trip and treatments in Peru continue to go very, very well.
Auntie is improving steadily. I cannot get over how well she's doing. For years, she has had debilitating back pain. Yesterday, she tripped off a step, which nearly gave ME a heart attack. But within a mintue or 2, she was fine. We then had a really great conversation (in English, Spanish and French!!) with the healer, Adan, about his life, his upbringing, his village, his culture, etc. Auntie was fascinated, and said how much fun it was. Now she knows what I do as I cartwheel around the world. I just like to talk to everyone about how they live, and what they do.

As you all know, I am absolutely fascinated by indigenous and cultural customs, so I'm thrilled to be able to witness and help. Unfortunately, Adan says we cannot speak of anything we see during the treatments, as these are ancient and sacred customs. So my lips are sealed. Yes, it IS hard for me to keep it quiet!! But this is not the first time I've witnessed indigenous traditions on the condition that I cannot speak of it.
All I can say is that I'm lucky to be here.
And I hope to be able to report good news upon Auntie's return to her western medical docs back in Canada.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Peru, Day 1

Auntie and I arrived insanely early this AM in Arequipa, Peru.
We fell into bed at 6:30 AM, and the phone rang at 9:00 to invite her to her first treatment.
Adan, the doctor, is very nice, and she feels really feel confident in his skills. He has not looked at any of her Western medical records, but can tell she has cancer in her cells, and noted pain elsewhere too.
This morning, the treatment was for detoxification. It was very nice- he brewed a sort of tea made from herbs. It was warm and soothing, and smelled pleasantly grassy and herbal, and is used as a shower.
It is all very interesting, but nice.
Her review of today: "feeling great! Even better than if I'd stayed home :) no pain in my back at all, not tired."

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sports Models

remember how I said we got on stage for a photo shoot with Mexican Elvis during the marathon??? I knew it would be a great shot, and one of our pals found it on the RNR website. To open the album, you have to be on facebook, but I've attached the money shot here.

Loving the Tunes, ~Mile 6 of the Inaugural Rock n Roll Seattle Marathon; Seattle, WA (June '09)

Interestingly, this is the second time Sue and I have had a pic posted on a main page for a running race. I think we should consider a career as sports models!
at the finish line of Mellissa's - Banff, AB, Sept '08

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

travel doula

Quick Update: Got back to Kamloops Friday night, attended my lovely friend Susan's wedding, and visited with cousins over the weekend.
I'm off to Whitehorse tomorrow to pick up my dog and bring him back here. Then next thurs, I am off to Peru! Less exciting than it sounds. My aunt has a serious recurrence of cancer so wants to work with a naturopath down there, and she needed an experienced traveller to accompany her. That's me - travel doula!
Will be back Sept 17.

My intent is to backfill this blog with all my stories and pics from the last month. I'll post them with the dates when they occured, so keep scrolling down to see what I've caught up on!