Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Doggie

This is what happens if you don't have children to dress at Halloween

Gold and Silver at the Worlds. CONGRATS KENZ!
ARRRRRRR Matey...... it's Captain MacDoggie

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Champ on Home Soil

I picked Mom up at the airport this afternoon. She'll be back in Whitehorse tonight.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mom is World Champ!

from the, Oct 19:
Whitehorse’s Nesta Leduc has won a gold medal in orienteering at the World Master’s Games in Sydney, Australia over the weekend.

Whitehorse’s Nesta Leduc has won a gold medal in orienteering at the World Master’s Games in Sydney, Australia over the weekend.
Leduc came in first a whopping 12 minutes ahead of her nearest competitors to steal first place away from two favourites from Sweden in the Women’s age 75 category.
The course was 2.3-kilometres, and Leduc managed to finish up in 47 minutes, 51 seconds against 14 other competitors.
I did a google search on mom:

  • when she won gold in the Canadian champs in August, they called her a 'wily veteran'
  • "Giving an unblemished performance was Whitehorse’s Nesta Leduc, winning gold in all three events in the women’s 75-plus category." from a report earlier this year
  • “I didn’t do any sports as a kid; I was the fat kid who was never invited onto any team. I didn’t waste all my joints with injuries when I was young, so now I still have what it takes to keep going.”

ok, I better stop. She can easily cut me out of the will :)

But I do think she should wear her WORLD CHAMP medal when she carries the Olympic Torch this winter.


here's a comment from a friend: Ya know, I think you need your own reality show: “Orient Yourself: Keeping up with Nesta.” You take a bunch of macho 20-somethings out to the woods and show them what’s what. I’d watch that religiously!

Fall Photos

I love that my dog matches fall :)

my friend Yves

the handsomest dog on earth

rock star dog

Monday, October 19, 2009

Thanksgiving Cancer Update

Last friday I met with my new surgeon in Vancouver. He was fantastic!!! Thanked me several times for coming in, and was cheery and wonderful. The radiologist did an ultrasound on my tiny tumour, and the surgeon was watching and asking questions and trying to decide if he can cut it out. He was not cocky, and I was totally impressed! (hahha, what does that say about my expections of tall, smart, powerful men?) My speck, aka tumour, has not grown since my last ultrasound in the spring, and is still 3 and a bit millimetres by a little less than 3 millimetres...smaller than a pea. He was happy about that, and doesn't feel like there's pressure to do anything quickly. He was not 100% sure about whether surgery was a great option, sent me for blood tests, and (here's the best part) he will call all my medical specialists, plus a couple of his colleagues, together for a conference this week.

(So great, as my OBNOXIOUS endocrinologist, who is supposed to be the quarterback of my care, has tried to tell me that isn't how our medical system works. I've had to meet all my docs myself, and a conference among them wasn't an option. I am completely excited to see how my little endo, all 5'5" of him, will respond to a directive from my surgeon, who is 6'3"!!)

So my surgeon suggested I call his office on Friday, if I have not heard from him by then.
Great news!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Royal Victoria Half Marathon

For the second eyar on a row, Susan Kelly and I ran the Royal Victoria Half Marathon. Once again, the weather was PERFECT. We may not have trained for the run, but it gave us a chance to catch up on all our stories from the last 6 months :)
We Can-Can Do It!
A Beautiful Day!

Oh no! Took a wrong turn and accidentally did the full marathon. Had to recover at the beer table one km after this shot...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Mom is going to carry the Torch!!

Not too much has been going on lately. I've been home in Kamloops, hanging with Mackenzie, running, doing yoga, connecting with friends....just regular, non-blogworthy stuff.

But today things changed!

Mom got word that she has been nominated by the Canadian Medical Association to participate in the Olympic Torch Relay this winter!!

She will be embarrassed that I've posted the following, so that's why I'll do it:

Hello, I am nominating Dr. Nesta Leduc to participate in the Olympic Flame Relay
on behalf of the Canadian Medical association. She lives in Whitehorse,
Yukon. Phone number is xxx xxx xxxx and email is nleduc@xxxxx It
is best to reach her by email as she is often out during the day.
My name is Dr. Sherillynne Himmelsbach from Whitehorse, Yukon and phonenumber is xxx xxx xxxx

Nesta is a 76 y/o retired family doctor who has lived and worked in Whitehorse from early in her career. She has been active for years hiking,canoeing, skiing and sea
kayaking, promoting and modelling an active lifestyle for her children while
working at a busy fulltime family practice. Since her retirement she has remained
very active in the community promotingactive living for seniors through example
and through the Elder Active Association of Yukon. In 1998 she was chair of
the Strategic Committee forPhysical Activity Yukon. She is a member of the board
of the local crosscountry ski club. Nesta has now discovered an interest
in competition. She is often off to national and international senior/master
competitions in orienteering, cycling, swimming or cross-country skiing. In
fact next week she is off to Australia to compete at the international
orienteering championships. In august she won 3 gold medals at the Canadian
orienteering championships and would have won the category below. She was
33 of 90 atthe World Senior Games in Austria in 2005. Nesta has competed
and won medals at the Canada senior games in cycling and swimming and
I believe for these reasons Nesta Leduc would be an
excellent representative of physicians, seniors and Yukon to participate in the
Olympic Torch Relay.
Sherillynne Himmelsbach