Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mom is World Champ!

from the Whitehorsestar.com, Oct 19:
Whitehorse’s Nesta Leduc has won a gold medal in orienteering at the World Master’s Games in Sydney, Australia over the weekend.

Whitehorse’s Nesta Leduc has won a gold medal in orienteering at the World Master’s Games in Sydney, Australia over the weekend.
Leduc came in first a whopping 12 minutes ahead of her nearest competitors to steal first place away from two favourites from Sweden in the Women’s age 75 category.
The course was 2.3-kilometres, and Leduc managed to finish up in 47 minutes, 51 seconds against 14 other competitors.
I did a google search on mom:

  • when she won gold in the Canadian champs in August, they called her a 'wily veteran'
  • "Giving an unblemished performance was Whitehorse’s Nesta Leduc, winning gold in all three events in the women’s 75-plus category." from a report earlier this year
  • “I didn’t do any sports as a kid; I was the fat kid who was never invited onto any team. I didn’t waste all my joints with injuries when I was young, so now I still have what it takes to keep going.”

ok, I better stop. She can easily cut me out of the will :)

But I do think she should wear her WORLD CHAMP medal when she carries the Olympic Torch this winter.


here's a comment from a friend: Ya know, I think you need your own reality show: “Orient Yourself: Keeping up with Nesta.” You take a bunch of macho 20-somethings out to the woods and show them what’s what. I’d watch that religiously!


Nell said...

Go Nesta!!!! My folks are uber-impressed :)

Ambo said...

Think I'll take some lessons from your mom this summer...who better to learn from than a WORLD CHAMPION??