Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It's a Dog's Life

It's been insanely hot in Kamloops lately.... 35 C, then 37 C. At that temp, it gets to 29 or 30 C in my bedroom, so last night I dragged my mat, quilt and pillow outside to sleep on the deck.
Mackenzie was excited for the company at first, but then realised I was staying for a while, so he went to settle on his bed.
I always thought that when MacDog wakes me early inside the house, it's because he has to go out to pee. But this morning, he was already outside, but still came to see me at 6:30 AM....

First, he licked my head. I woke up, gave him a little pat, and told him it wasn't time to get up yet. After I closed my eyes, he punched me in the head with his giant foot! "ACK! Kenz, stop it!! Go back to sleep!!!"
It was as if his skull was transparent, as I could watch his brain working.... "Hmmm, that looks like a bed right there. I bet the puffiest part is the softest..... " And then he lay down on top of me. UGH.

I was tired, so wiggled out of the way a bit, so he was only lying on unimportant parts of me, and we both went back to sleep for an hour. I decided to get up, and had to slither out from under him.

No sooner was I up, than Kenz assessed the situation, and made himself even more comfortable on my pillow.

It's a dog's life.

get me a coffee, will ya?
so glad this bed isn't so lumpy anymore

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