Thursday, April 10, 2008

Here Are The News

This is an info post, rather than just a regular entertainment post. I've had a few people ask me the same questions, so here are the news.

Q1: What's going on with the Congo job?
A1: Things are very much parked at 'hurry up and wait' for the Congo job. The history was that I pushed the company a little, and proposed that I do a little investment fund-raising for them, and then accompany the funds to Congo. My point was that I was already booked and leaving to go find work in Africa, they had work, they liked me, I like them, yadda yadda. The timing was not perfect, as I already had my ticket booked, and the Berlin conference arranged. Oh well, why let a few details stop us?
We frantically got stuff kinda ready, but realised that we really needed some face-to-face time to define roles and responsibilities, get to know each other, etc. We had hoped that some deals would complete very quickly in Congo, evryone would go to Kinshasa, and we'd do planning and strategising in Africa. Just to be helpful, but hoping not to be serious, I said maybe I could come back to LA later.... Famous last words.
Africa being Africa, the deal has not gone through yet. Nothing is ever as easy as it seems it should be. They should sell patience in the market there. Actually they probably do, but the side effects would likely be terrible.....headaches? upset tummy? dramatic hair loss??
As well, W, who founded the company, has been really busy and frantic in DRC, waiting for deals to come together, creating new deals, working with people, renting a house, etc. etc. etc. Although it would be awesome if I could fly down and help him, now is not the time to have a white girl turn up who knows no one, doesn't speak the local language, doesn't know the area. I'd be a burden.
So........ I've been cooling my heels, and waiting in the UK for weeks now. I stay with my 85 y/o aunt at her assisted care facility. I make my own fun there, but....I'm the youngest person around by three decades. Going a little looney, actually.
So, me being me [impatient], I proposed that I fly back to LA. So right this second, I am using my groovy mobile broadband dongle, and posting on the net from a train heading for London. This afternoon, I'll fly to LA. We'll have that meeting of all the company members who are still waiting in USA to go to work in DRC. I hope we'll figure out how we'll function together, define roles and responsibilities, etc. Because my background is a little of this, and a little of that, we are not sure how I would best be used.
The options include: A) I run a branch of the company that primarily focuses on humanitarian works such as community development, public health, education, and that sort of thing. Or B) I could be responsible for whatever natural resources business dealings we choose to pursue. I'd liaise with western business types, and help them to be in touch with appropriate people in the DRC. Or C) I could work with one of the other company members, assisting them in what they are doing. Hmmmm, lots of possibilities. Pluses and minuses to each, but all appealing.
Yes, it is exciting! And frustrating.

Q2: What the heck is going on with Mutarr and me? What caused me to break things off?
A2: Long story. I just spent a week in The Gambia. I went to see my friends and colleagues and get some sun. That part was great. And I went to sort stuff out with Mutarr, plus pick up all my African clothes that were at his place. That part of the trip sucked.
It had been a year since I last saw Mutarr. Obviously this is a ridiculous way to try to have a "relationship". We've had lots of fights over the year, the most serious from my perspective were about money. When I met him, he had lots of it, for a poor African. Over the 2.5 years that we've been seeing each other, I've sent lots to help him and his family. Suddenly last fall, he told me he had nothing left in his savings account. This was particularly a big deal to me because when he submits his visa application to attempt yet again to come to Canada, they review his account statements. It's easy: no money = no visa. And WHY does he have less money now, than before I met him?

We fought about all this, and many more topics. How sordid.
He now has more money than ever! How? He was initially really vague about it ("My friend sent me money, and I bought and sold goods") and when I accused him of selling drugs, he then put some further details in: "I bought 4 or 5 goats and sold them." Was it 4? Was it 5?
Anyway, the long and short of it is that I am suspicious. There are too many inconsistencies in so many stories, I have no idea what's true and what isn't. I don't know what is a result of culture, what is dishonesty, or what might be a result of a circumstance I don't understand. Regardless......not a healthy thing for me to do.

Lesson learned (again)
2 very important things for me in a life partner/husband/whatever: money management skills and honesty.

OK, this took a while, I'm now at Heathrow, and they will call my flight pretty soon. California, here I come!!


Nell said...

Hang in there girl and good luck in LA!

Unknown said...

Seen a few programs on Africa recently.

China is buying it all. Try them for funs but don’t mention Tibet