Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I spent a few days in London. I love London. So much history of humanity, which I like to explore in the form of great storytelling. I took a whole bunch of walking tours with the London Walking Tour company, and there were all awesome. The guides are really knowledgeable, and I believe they are all actors, as they are animated and fascinating to listen to. And very funny, in that terrific dry english way.
I learned a tonne of cool stuff, like that London was first named Londonium when it was founded by the Romans. I cannot believe I never clued in that London was a Roman city - of course it would have been! I did one tour inside the ancient city walls. The wall is 95% gone now, but we did walk on a street called 'Wall Street" (in the financial district, coincidentally enough). The old Londoners were pretty literal in their naming of streets, so you can guess what business was done on Shoe Lane, or Stonecutter Street. When I spotted Love Street, and asked about that, he said that during those times, there were 2 streets with legalised prostitution: Love Street and ............ Cock Street. :-P


Anonymous said...

which is why living in mytown is so boring if you are trying to have fun with street names. i mean really, I live on first avenue, in between Toronto and Winnipeg streets. nothing scandalous there at all.
hey tara just got caught up on all your news. not envying your break up summit. had my own with uknowwho 5 days ago. not fun. i am now installing a window where he put his fist through my wall.a new outlook on life (groan).

keep the blogs coming, wish i was in LA it's freezing here!

take care, cactusgirl

Unknown said...

Did you know the City of London (where all the money is) is separate to Greater London. The Queen has to ask permission from the Lord Mayor to visit The City!