Monday, October 19, 2009

Thanksgiving Cancer Update

Last friday I met with my new surgeon in Vancouver. He was fantastic!!! Thanked me several times for coming in, and was cheery and wonderful. The radiologist did an ultrasound on my tiny tumour, and the surgeon was watching and asking questions and trying to decide if he can cut it out. He was not cocky, and I was totally impressed! (hahha, what does that say about my expections of tall, smart, powerful men?) My speck, aka tumour, has not grown since my last ultrasound in the spring, and is still 3 and a bit millimetres by a little less than 3 millimetres...smaller than a pea. He was happy about that, and doesn't feel like there's pressure to do anything quickly. He was not 100% sure about whether surgery was a great option, sent me for blood tests, and (here's the best part) he will call all my medical specialists, plus a couple of his colleagues, together for a conference this week.

(So great, as my OBNOXIOUS endocrinologist, who is supposed to be the quarterback of my care, has tried to tell me that isn't how our medical system works. I've had to meet all my docs myself, and a conference among them wasn't an option. I am completely excited to see how my little endo, all 5'5" of him, will respond to a directive from my surgeon, who is 6'3"!!)

So my surgeon suggested I call his office on Friday, if I have not heard from him by then.
Great news!

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