Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My Birthday!

This year, my birthday took 3 days to celebrate.
On Sunday, I did 3 hours of yoga, then went for a looooooong lunch with the girls.

Almost right after the longest lunch ever, I went for dinner at Caryn's with the Other Girls. Thanks for hosting, Caryn!!!
Sue, Carol, Caryn and me.

Sue's delicious cheese appie!

wolves came and ate it all :(

Carol and Sunshine Susie

On Monday, my actual birthday, I wanted to ski but it was -23 C :(

So I waited till it warmed up to -16, and went for an easy run by the river with Mackenzie. :)

Then I headed to Revelstoke with Troy, met Lisa, and celebrated FULLY!! There was even dancing for Ullr late, late at night. We were rewarded with a powder day on Tuesday. YAY! 8 inches was fantastic, and it warmed up to -11 C.

me, Troy and Lisa: masters of our terrain!

me n Lisa, after a successful morning of thrashing the mountain

In 2008 I bottled it, so it's been contained through 2009 and hopefully into 2010!

Thanks to everyone who played along with my extended party!

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