Monday, February 15, 2010

From the Olympiad, Post 1

I'm at the Vancouver 2010 Olympics!!!!!!!!
Mom has come down to join me. She was initially a bit cool on the idea, but I convinced her that just being in the crowd, and witnessing the spectacle would be really really great.

And it is !!!

Someone asked me what have been the most exciting or interesting moments, and here was my first answer:
I would have to say that just being here in this beautiful city is what is most important to me. Regardless of what the media is saying, Vancouver is putting on an incredible show. People are friendly and happy (with some exceptions, obviously), the city is clean and safe, and it is fun fun FUN. Restaurants and bars are hopping! Transit is moving everyone around quickly. Recycling receptacles are everywhere.You can get help with directions from anyone, but there are tonnes of volunteers handy for questions. People are loud and PROUD to be Canadian, and all wearing gear stating Canada and mostly wearing red. In general, we cheer for good performances, regardless of which country the athlete competes for. The Ice Holes are really doing it up right!! (and people have lined up overnight to see Stephen Colbert live, as we think it's hilarious that we are called Syrup Sucking Ice Holes!)

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