Monday, February 18, 2008

On the first day, she created a Blog

Hi guys
Welcome to my NEW blog. As you likely all know, I am about to take off on an international adventure. And you probably also know that I love to write stories about what I see, who I meet, what I do.....mostly the funny stuff, but sometimes not. My stuff is mostly true, although I may change names or details to protect the innocent... OK, more likely, I'll modify details to make a better story. So it's like Hollywood - Based on a True Story, but funnier and maybe better-looking.

So you're probably wondering why it's called 'Cartwheeling Down Centreline'?? That ties back to a send-off I had a few years ago, before embarking on another adventure. A select and wonderful group of friends took pity (?) on me, as I was leaving beautiful Northwest BC without ever having gone to Mini-Kispiox Music Fest OR ever being HYDERIZED. That sitch had to be remedied!

It was a wicked trip, truly a terrific farewell tour of NW BC, and as we were heading north, we were out of the car, and literally did cartwheels down the centreline of Hwy 37.

But cartwheeling down centreline is also kind of a metaphor for me.....seems I'm always the greenest person in a room of rednecks, and the biggest redneck in a room of granola-crunching hippies. There I am, twirling in the middle.

Ground rules:
All good facilitators know that setting ground rules is a good idea, even if no one really sticks to them!
So here they are:
1. no fighting, be respectful, be nice!
2. I will try my best not to be boring (once this post is done that is). Feel free to call me on it.

OK kids, this is my way of staying in touch while I move around the globe. Feel free to answer back so I know that you're out there.


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