Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Littlest Tycoon

I need to tell you about the coolest website I've seen in ages.
It's http://www.monstertruckfun.com/
You have GOT to check it out.
It's run by Aidan, who is 5. (His mom is my website designer too, so maybe I will one day be the top shelf entrepreneur that he already is.) The site is about Monster Trucks and how cool they are.
But the thing is....the real monster truck drivers email him, and tell him to keep up the good work! And he gets 12,000 unique visitors to his site every month. I bet that's the most visitors to any site hosted by a 5 year old, in the world! And he makes about $80 a month from those visitors clicking on the google adwords. So this means that when he gets his very first girlfriend, maybe this year, or I guess he might wait till Grade 1 next year, they could go on the best date ever. I bet he'll take his girl for the most awesomest, super-duper, hotdogs with dijon ketchup.
Definitely check out his 'About Me' page. I am still laughing at his pictures.
Maybe I could be his first girlfriend? I do love hotdogs.

1 comment:

Kerri Carl said...

Well Tara you had better send him a picture and a brief description of yourself and he will add you to his website. How exciting would that be.