Monday, April 21, 2008

Trip to MOCA

Last weekend, Lianda and I went to the Museum of Contemporary Art. I am certainly no Fancy Pants Art Critic, but I like looking at cool stuff and pretty colours, so this should have been fun. After seeing this museum, I now believe that many contemporary artists are playing a huge joke, and trying to see just how bizarre a creation they can make, give it a description like, "Is it what it is. Just be." or "I like to allow the viewer to draw their own conclusions about reality and society," or any such bullocks. Then, and this is the tricky bit, convince some unsuspecting Patron of the Arts with more cents than sense to pay them vast sums.
I've attached a few shots, so you can see my fave parts of the exhibition:

You may know that I am familiar with rhino dung, after one of my trips to Africa. I saw this picture, and thought, "Hey, wait a sec....those huge lumps look awfully familiar." I checked the listing of the media used to create the art, and saw this was multi media using acrylic, push pins and elephant dung.
Lianda is for scale, so you can tell just how big this is. She is 5`10 plus platform flip flops, so about 6`1 here.
Also, the picture is sitting on little feet....of dung.

detail....of an Elephant Sex Bomb from the Monkey's Bong??

OK, now what is this? Feel free to submit your best guess. Here are mine:
a) ritualistic dance from Papua New Guinea
b) exerpt from a leaflet: How to Be a Hot Homosexual Lover
c) doodle from a Grade 8 notebook
d) a comment on the Cold War Super Powers
e) none of the above
f) all of the above
I like the helpful up and down arrows. And the great haircuts.

I took this picture myself, outside the museum. I have no idea what that guy is doing. Feeling the feeling from the Art, I guess.
This must be worth a cool $2 million USD, doncha think.


Anonymous said...

Ok I am feeling a little ripped off as I can't see the first picture on there of your g/f so I can see just how big the dung art is. Yes I do like the arrows indicating which direction the arms and penis will move when the lovas dance around. Thank gosh for those arrows...I would have never known.

Anonymous said...

Dude, I had to mt. bike in snow/rain/sleet/wind/hail on Saturday here in Victoria, and that was in the space of 2 hours. Sometimes it was everything all at once....ridiculous!!!!!!!!



Anonymous said...

I hate modern art. I went to the MOMA in San Francisco and was left feeling bewildered and a little ripped off. Bolting a strip of sheet metal to the wall is not art. Pinning wire to the wall and tracing the shadow in pencil is not art.

That is all I have to say about modern art right now.