Friday, August 22, 2008

Back on Home Soil, Sigh

One week ago, my plane landed in Kamloops, BC.
Yes, in fact, it is weird to be back.
Very weird to hear Canadian accents. On the plane, I kept pricking up my ears, thinking, "Hey, that person must be Canadian." Air Canada flight to Calgary - go figure.
Strange to be back among my stuff, although it's mostly in boxes and needs unpacking (Cousin Kenny wanted his spare room to be available, so I had to box things).
Great to get phone calls, texts and emails from friends welcoming me back.
GREAT to eat Fresh is Best salsa and guacamole, made right here in Kamloops. They can't even match the stuff in California. It's that yummy.
Fabulous to eat fresh peaches, right off Kenny's tree. This is possibly one of my fave experiences in the whole world.
Terrific to visit Julie and Ted in Penticton this week. It's the Iron Man there this weekend, so lots of excitement and athletes running, biking and swimming all over the place.
Tomorrow AM will be my first long run with Susan and Carol. It will be awesome to run with company!!!

Things have changed. There's a new tax on fuel, so gas costs $1.34 a litre. A big jug of milk costs $5.49. (OMG!! I'm sure it was $4 just a while ago.) I can receive calls on my cell at no extra charge, just like everywhere else in the world. I ran into Sasha, an old work colleague, today, and got the update on the office. Same old, same old. It was great to see her, anyway.

I've got loose ends to tie up: finish the sale of the house in Fort St John; go through 6 months of mail; get memory for my computer; train for a half marathon in Banff in 6 weeks. I'm taking a break from alcohol until after the race. Time to recover from The Good Life in Europe!

If all this sounds anti-climactic, well yah, it is. So glad I've got the Olympics to give me some excitement. Siigghhh. Really thinking about how soon I can get back to Europe....might be early October...

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