Monday, August 18, 2008

Chateau Cote du Rhone

* this is a catch up post, so don`t be confused by the fact that it`s out of order. Didn`t want to miss out these pics and telling about the experience, that`s all.......

My great running partner, Susie Sunshine, came up with the term `Running Shoe Sight Seeing`. One of the incredible bonuses of running while travelling is that by getting out and getting moving, you get a really different view of a place.

While I was at Millefeuille (that`s French week 2 in Provence, in case you`re having trouble keeping up..), I looked out the front door of the school, and noticed that each hilltop had a chateau or little castle or something on it. So I took off for the next village, through the vineyards. At the village, I ran up a steep hill, past a lovely chateau, and found myself on the brow of a hill where I looked down on the Rhone River, and across the entire valley. I told the other students about this, even the other runners, but sadly no one else had gone exploring on this route.
All this in only 60 minutes. Bliss. PLUS, I was wearing my .mp3 player and listening to French phrases. Super-scenic multi-tasking!

did I mention the school was in a Chateau that sold wine.... how great is that....

abandoned house in a vineyard

the chateau

the River Rhone

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