Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Trip Tips

This is based on an email I wrote to a friend the other day.... I figure some of my travellin' skills should be shared. Feel free to use this info, share it with others, ask me questions, whatever.

So, when you have a cool trip coming, first thing is have you called Public Health yet, and asked about shots? Even if you're just going to the States, you should make sure your basic boosters are up-to-date. And if you're going anywhere tropical.....Discuss it with the nurse or doc, and they'll tell ya. Oh, and do this really early, like at least a couple months before you go.... You might have to get a buncha jabs, and your shoulders will be thankful if you don't do it all at once.

Next: look into travel insurance. Did you know your regular medical coverage isn't totally in place when you leave the Province? And if you're leaving the country....well, that's obvious. Worst-case scenario is being medevac'ed home, and the cost of that is equivalent to the price of a small house. Oh, and I found out that if you leave the Province for >6 months, you have a serious problem. (Again, determined that thro' tough circumstances. Ooops.)

And stuff to bring with you on your trip: I have pared down my medical kit to the essentials, and here's what I bring: gravol, imodium, ibuprofen, antibiotic cream, duct tape.

When I get sick, with some sort of tummy thing, (which is a good probability, even at an all-inclusive), I first let whatever it is leave my system. So if I'm vomiting, just giver for a while. And if it's the other end, same..... Whatever it is that made you sick, give it a chance to get out of you! Then after a while, take 1 gravol every time you puke. And 1 imodium every time you go to the toilet. (This stuff will REALLY bung you up, so be cautious.) I've been known to get hideously sick, but would never take more than 3 imodiums, as it takes a while to recover.

The most important thing is to stay hydrated, as much as possible. Be VERY careful with your water and ICE CUBE sources. If you are sick, gatorade or coke are excellent choices. Water them down if it's too much on a flippy-floppy tummy. I know lots of people who travel with rehydration salts, but I prefer just to stick to gatorade, OR get some juice, water it down, and add salt. That's basically what the rehydration salts are. You just need fluid, some sugar, and some salt.
If you do get sick while gone, especially if there is blood or scary mucus in your poo, see a doctor, either while you are there, or when you get home. Here's a great website to find a Western-trained, English-speaking doctor ANYWHERE

The antibiotic cream is for cuts/blisters.
The ibuprofen is for any inflammation. This includes sore muscles, hung-over headache, or FEVER if you get sick. It can be used for nasty sunburn too (your skin is swollen and inflamed). Wear lots of sunscreen, and wear a hat if you go exploring during the day....Watch out for burns AND sunstroke.

And the duct tape? Well, that's for millions of uses, from suitcase repair to blister protection to creative costume use. Maybe the guy in the seat beside you on the place is too damn chatty? Employ the duct tape solution!
Happy travels!

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