Thursday, November 19, 2009

Yoga Workshop

People have been asking why I have not posted much this month.

Here's a big part of why.... I took a yoga workshop! 15 hours in 3 days, was KILLER, and there are 2 words to describe it: 1. Worthwhile. 2. Exhaustion.

a new, easier way to practise handstand. (I LOVE handstands!)

Wall Star - a variation on side plank

Abridged yoga glossary:

downward facing dog - classic yoga pose, in an inverted V on your hands and feet. (Think about how a dog or cat looks when stretching)
plank - top of a push-up
chaduranga - bottom of a push-up
cobra - pose starts from facedown, keep legs on floor, then straighten arms as you arch back. Resembles a cobra snake about to strike!
child's pose - a resting pose done in kneeling position, then bend forward and rest your forehead on the floor with your arms resting outstretched above your head on the mat
By Sunday, after approximately 5 million planks and 400 bazillion downward facing dogs and a couple zillion chadurangas, I was hitting the yogic wall. I thought the instructor said, "child's pose", and it took a couple seconds to realise he said, "plank". Again. Again? Out loud, I said, "F*&#" quickly followed by "oops, hahahhahahha".
FYI, it's sorta frowned upon to swear at yoga.
So then the yogi started goading us into action: "OK, if you are a total wimp, you can go into cobra from lying on the floor. But if you're hard core, you'll go there from chaduranga first. [grrrrr]"
Yes, I am absolutely that easily manipulated, so sure enough, I snapped my body into the bottom of a push-up, gaining praise from the Yoga Nazi at the front of the room. I lifted my whole body off the floor....except my boobs. They were too dang heavy! Just couldn't do it.... There was much laughter inside my head.

look closely at the grimace used to hold a pose after a looooooong weekend. (and the terrible alignment....oh, the shame of having poor alignment captured on film)

1 comment:

Marcia said...

Tara- so glad you could join us for the launch to the new level! Could barely hear the expletive!
Get ready for 2010....