Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hole E. Coyote!

I went out for a run with the doggies tonight. No big deal....until the dogs found some coyotes. The dogs kept disappearing into the bush, then I heard some strange barking, and then they came back....followed by a  coyote! The coyote was definitely afraid of me. But he kept circling around us, through the bush. And the dogs kept running back into the bush to challenge (or maybe play?).

Eventually, there were 3 coyotes, and I started to get nervous. We were heading back to the car, but a long way into the forest. I picked up 2 really big sticks, and ran along the path like a Masai Warrior!

I kept stopping to look (with my 2 big sticks in hand!), and the 3 coyotes were clearly sticking with us. They stopped for a long group howl at one point, which was totally creepy. They kept crossing the path behind us when I wasn't looking. And the dogs kept heading into the bush! I don't know if they were trying to challenge the coyotes, or play with them, as 1 of the coyotes would always follow them back toward me. But as soon as the coyote saw me, it would turn back. That one followed us right to the edge of the forest, near where I was parked.

Anyway, it all ended fine. Thanks coyotes, for my unplanned speed workout!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is so creepy! a group howl?! I think I would have peed myself.