Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ca Update, Spring 2010

It has been ages since I posted a cancer update:
Last fall, it was determined that I had a tiny little tumour in my neck - 3 mm by 3 mm by 3mm. I spoke to every specialist who could possibly help me, and they finally recommended that I have radioactive iodine to blast that little bugger outta there. This did not appeal to me for several reasons, but the main ones are that the tumour is tiny and slow-growing AND the more times I have radioactive iodine, the higher my risk increases to get marrow cancers. As in, I have increased risk of getting leukemia or lymphoma by doing this. Ummm, no thanks! So, I have declined treatment for now. We have decided to watch and wait. So my results are now in from blood tests and an ultrasound: the tumour was measured at 4 mm**, and my blood tests are perfect. This is not a change of any significance, so my doctor is happy to keep on watching and doing nothing. YAY!

** pretty tiny tumour. And last time, was it 3.3 mm or closer to 4 mm? And now, is it 3.8 mm? Is the view slightly different? Did the tech click on the exact same spot for measuring purposes? Aaaahhhh, no way to tell, but it didn't grow to 15 mm, and I don't have 10 new tumours. So no big deal.

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