Monday, June 7, 2010

Plan B

I have hurt my foot again :( It's been bugging me all spring, but then I thought it was all better, and hurt it running hills yesterday. I'm taking this week to do mostly yoga and not much running. I'll go for massage (oowwwwww!!) tomorrow. And hopefully run Thurs night and next Sunday. Fingers crossed. I am planning to run Amber's FIRST HALF MARATHON with her in Mayo, Yukon on June 19, so hope all is well for that.

As you'll recall I hurt my back BADLY last summer, just prior to the marathon. Well, it just feels weak and twitchy all the time now.

I had been dreaming of doing a full marathon each year from 40-50, but I've had to accept I just cannot do it this year. It's silly to increase my training that much when I'm already a bit injured all the time. I am pretty bummed about this.

I wish there were 20 mile races!!! It is so hard to go from 13.1 miles to 26.2 miles. I would like to do 3/4 of a marathon. Hmmmm, perhaps I need to start an event like this?

So instead, I'll run a bit and bike a bit and do lots of REHAB and core strengthening. I can always find a triathlon to do in the fall??? Maybe. Not too bad for Plan B.

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