Thursday, November 6, 2008

Visa Bought me New Shoes!

When I got back from Europe in August, I had a notice from Visa that they were sending me a new card. By mid-September, I still hadn't received it, so I called to report it lost, and he said, "Ooooh, it's been mailed. Be patient a week or 2." Alrighty.
Then I tried to shop on-line, got sent to the 'Verified by Visa' site, and it wouldn't work! So I called Visa again, to report that I was having problems. "Ooooh," he said, "Your new card is linked to that account, so you can't use verified by visa until you get your new card. Give it another week. Things are a bit slow on this." (This was right around when the credit market was crashing, so I figured maybe the Bank and even Visa was about to declare bankruptcy. Or maybe this was an example of WHY the banks were falling apart. If they can't even get organised to send out new cards so people can wrack up more debt, then they are in pretty dire straits.)
So I finally got around to calling last week, and again reporting my new Visa card lost. "Oh," he said, "Your card was sent a long time ago. It's never been used. I'll cancel it, and send you a new one." [long conversation ensues] The result was that I could pick up my new card at my local bank branch in 5 business days, which was today!

So.....yesterday, my aunt called to let me know that Visa left me an urgent message on her machine. (I receive messages at her house, as things are a bit disorganised with the 2 bachelors.) Anyway, I told her I don't need the number, as I'm going to pick up my card, and I'm SURE there won't be a problem! She wisely convinced me to take it.

Today, I trundled down to my bank, big smiles, to collect my shiny new Visa card. It wasn't there!!!
OK, so I went into the mall to buy some groceries. As I headed for the grocery store, I passed the shoe store. So obviously I went in....
Excellent sale! I found the most awesome black, high, waterproof, leather Rockport boots for $25 (down from $215 - I'm starting to hyper-ventilate just thinking about it!). They also had some really, really great black leather wedges, absolutely work-appropriate, perfect for that sexy librarian/evil negotiator look, for $80. They are also by Rockport, so these 3 inch heels are totally comfy and fabu. Considered not getting them, but because the boots were only $25 but should have been over $100, this meant the shoes were virtually free, so I had to have them. (Girls: I know you understand Shoe Store Math like this very well. Guys: accept this is how it works, so no need to try to put some Outside Shoe Store Logic on this Gordian Knot.)

Anyway, when I got home, I went through some papers in my room. I hate going through all the crap the bank sends, there's always tomes on the Great New Services they offer, yadda yadda, blah blah. In sorting what could go into recycling....I found my card that they sent 7 weeks ago. Ooops. :-0 It's already been cancelled, so I still hadta call, and find out where the replacement card is!
So....... I called Visa. Aaaaah, the guy didn't know why I was calling, so transferred me to Customer Service. I finally talked to a woman, and told her my long story. (Obviously I DID NOT mention the fact that I finally located my new/old card, as it would not be helpful for her to think I'm an idiot.) "Oh, it might take more than 5 business days for these new fancy cards to come. Might be Monday or Wednesday next week." I'm planning a trip next week, and told her such. She got a little stressed, and wound up putting me on hold for approximately a decade. Or a month. Or half an hour. Whatever. She said, "Oh dear. If we'd known you would be a on a trip, we would have sent the card with a rush. Oh dear." The hand-wringing was audible.
[long conversation ensues, involving my saying that I have not been able to shop online for 2 months, seems excessive, perhaps they should have rushed the card to me, blah blah. More hand-wringing from her.]
OK, so it turns out that my trusty OLD Visa card (which I've been using in stores all this time)was set to be inactivated 75 days after they decided to send me a new card. So it could die at any time. And then I really would be left without a Visa. And this is Very Important in Visaland. Hence all the hand-wringing. She informed me that if it stops working, then I must call back, locate a supervisor, and get Special Permission to Use My Old Card, until the new one comes. Aaaaah, well, that would be a pain in the patoot.
So, she suddenly offered up that this is an inconvenience, so she can compensate me with either a) 2500 aeroplan miles on my card, or b) a $75 credit on my balance.
Me: "I`d like the $75 please. That means Visa just bought me new shoes today. What a wonderful company!"
Her: "Thank you for calling Visa."


Anonymous said...

Go shoes! Go shoes! Go shoes! Yaaayy Visa!!

Malcolm Douglas Chaplin said...

Tara 1 - Visa nil
See how important it really is to let things pile up on your desk. And then claim that you ARE inconvienienced by the corporations inability to provide the service they guarantee.

Cheers Dougie

tara said...

You obviously over-estimate the efficiency of my filing system for financials..... It was on my bedroom FLOOR, not on the desk!