Saturday, May 9, 2009

Cuz I'm Crazy

My training plan does not allow me to have a Lie On The Couch Day after my long run :( Rather, on Recovery Day some light stretching or a walk is suggested.

So Carol and I found a goat track up Mt. Paul, here in Kamloops. We were pretty slow, although I will admit it really moved the lactic acid out of my legs. Huh.

Thompson River

it wouldn't be a hike if I didn't take pics of flowers

North Thompson river and view toward Kamloops Lake

Crazy Carol

Me, Showing Obvious Signs of Insanity

Rocky Mountain Sheep sees our common sense abandoned at the bottom of the slope

1 comment:

Ambo said...

Fantastic! Seeing photos like these totally makes me homesick in the spring...especially when it's snowing at my house this morning! I miss those landscapes. Please bring the nice weather with you, alright??