Wednesday, June 17, 2009

First Aid with Boys

Adam in his dirt-biking gear. But don't let this sweet face fool you!

I spent last week staying with my old university friend, Sandra, and her family.

We were riding around in her brand new van, and Adam (8) and his brother Robert (10) were in the back seat. Of course, they were goofing around/fighting, and I turned around to notice Adam's nose dripping blood. And of course, because he's 8, he had a huge smile on his face.

So the first panic was, "AAAAHHHHH! Don't get blood on the new van!!"
Young boys are pretty industrious, so Adam took off his sock to use to staunch the flow. Then he started complaining, "Ewwww, it stinks."
My comment: "If you can smell your sock, you're not pinching your nose properly. Pinch it harder!"
I then called him Sock Booger for the rest of my stay. He loved me.

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