Sunday, July 5, 2009

Party in USA

On July 2, we celebrated both Canada Day and the 4th of July* by attending a White Trash Party in Santa Barbara, California. So I summoned my Inner Albertan, and dug out a short denim dress, trucker hat, and A LOT of blue eyeshadow.
You've got enough bronzer if your face looks a bit dirty

It was pretty fun. The host served American beer, cheap tequila and corn dogs. YUM-O! The serious downside though, was that everyone looked so awful, there appeared to be no one we would ever want to have a conversation with.
Posing with road kill

Some of the costumes were, ummm, amazing. The guys wore a lot of camo, mullet wigs, and trucker hats. And several of the gals were pregnant with black eyes, short skirts and bad attitudes. The best costume, by far, was the gal who came as Tonya Harding - complete with figure skates, skating dress, gold medal and a baseball bat!

Sasha reckons she's found her baby daddy - the eyes match!

* (did you know they do NOT refer to it as Independence Day? Don't make the same mistake I did. You cannot be cool White Trash if you call it that....helllloooooooo, loser.)

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