Saturday, July 25, 2009

Wardrobe Error

Travelling in a van without a full length mirror, I think it's understandable that I might get a bit casj with my wardrobe. It was pretty warm for a few days, so when I pulled into Idaho Falls, ID I was wearing a tank top (with bra - hello!), flips and very short surfer-girl shorts. Perhaps a bit too short, but hey, did I mention I ran a marathon????? I get to show these dang legs OFF!

Anyway, I headed into Wendy's to get a coffee and lunch and you should have seen the looks I got. The place was full of women, possibly the chubbiest and frumpiest on the planet, and they looked at me like, "JEZEBEL!! HARLOT!!" I really thought they might pelt me with French Fries, oh I mean Freedom Fries.

I ordered a coffee, but the guy said they didn't usually make it at that time of day. (noon? Seriously?)

It took till halfway through my diet coke for my light bulb to come on! omg, Mormons!!!! Seems it's ok to have thighs 4 times bigger than mine, as long as they keep them covered with a pleated potato sack.

note to self: I must have caffeine earlier in the day, so I am better prepared to deal with life's surprises

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